Transitions Coaching Blog

Thoughts. Reflections. Intentions.

The Secret to Stemming the Talent Shortage? People.

The Secret to Stemming the Talent Shortage? People.

Across the U.S., our organizations are facing a crisis. The “sansdemic,” as some researchers have termed it, is creating a severe shortage of talent and leaving a lot of leaders in a state of panic. Over the past year and a half, millions of people have left the workforce, and millions of jobs have gone unfilled. Labor force participation is at its lowest levels in nearly 50 years[1], and there doesn’t seem to be an increase on the horizon. Sadly, under intense pressure to fill open roles to drive business results, the great resignation has left many people feeling overwhelmed Read more.

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity: Leading in Today’s Challenging Environment

“We are, in effect, engaged in a great venture of exploration, risk, discovery and change without any comprehensive maps for guidance.” – Peter Senge, The Dance of Change, 1999 Just a few months ago, we were hopeful we were emerging from the pandemic We were venturing out and meeting face-to-face. We were getting ready to return to work and eager to welcome our teams back to the office. Then, as the Delta variant reared its head and our organizations surfaced new concerns, our plans were abruptly put on hold. For more than a year, many of us have felt like Read more.

Put Yourself in the Driver’s Seat

Put Yourself in the Driver's Seat

Every time I pass a car in a parking lot and see a dog sitting in the driver’s seat, it makes me smile. Sometimes said dog seems impatient or unnerved. They bark, jump, try to stick their head out of the crack in the window. Other times, said dog is calm, maybe even content. They sit straight up, look ahead, and almost seem to be smiling. I can’t help but think that dog is enjoying being in the driver’s seat (instead of in the back seat) for once! The last time I saw a dog in a car, it occurred Read more.

The Power of Many: Top 5 Benefits of Group Coaching

The Power of Many: Top 5 Benefits of Group Coaching

“The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better.” – Gloria Macapagal Arroyo A new year is often associated with new beginnings. Especially this year, we know many people are eager to put the past behind and get a fresh start. This is just one reason why we’re so excited to embark with our next coaching group on January 23! “Navigating the Journey of a Career Transition” is a new group coaching experience from Transitions Coaching designed to help you discover a personalized, do-able path to finding work you love. Read more.

New Group Coaching: Navigating the Journey of a Career Transition

New Group Coaching: Navigating the Journey of a Career Transition

“A transition always starts with an ending. To become something else, you have to stop being what you are now; to start doing things a new way, you have to end the way you are doing them now; and to develop a new attitude or outlook, you have to let go of the old.”  – William Bridges Time and time again, we hear the professionals we work with say they feel stuck. And the statistics show it, too. According to a study by Forbes, more than half of U.S. workers are unsatisfied in their jobs. And that was before the Read more.

Attending to the Internal Transition After an External Job Loss

Attuning to the Internal Transition After an External Job Loss

As a career coach, I am always listening for how someone is making sense of their current situation. This is just part of how I work. However, when working with clients who have experienced a job loss, my listening almost automatically becomes informed by a model I hold near and dear: Bridges Transitions Model. William Bridges (1933–2013) was a preeminent authority on change and transition who transformed the way people think about change. As an author, speaker and consultant, his pioneering research provided a methodology to guide organizations and individuals during significant transitions that accompany a major change. His work Read more.

Does effective leadership include LOVE????

Does effective leadership include LOVE

You can’t say the words love and leadership in the same sentence – can you?? As I opened the FedEx package that contained the newest addition to my collection of sweaters with hearts on them, I found myself reflecting on the concept of love at work. In particular, how leadership and love are so interconnected and yet so often shoved into separate corners of our mind. Could it be that it’s a connection that seems so obvious, we take it for granted? In their latest book, Scaling Leadership, authors Bob Anderson and Bill Adams note that “great leadership is radically Read more.

Perspective Taking: A (maybe-not-so) Simple Practice for Leading in Complex Times

P e r s p e c t i v e As leaders, it’s a word we are all familiar with. We ask for another’s, we offer up our own, we definitely use the word liberally throughout out working days, weeks, lives. But what’s it really about? I recently enrolled in an amazing 12-week course offered by researchers and thought leaders in the field of adult development and leadership. The content has my head spinning! There have been so many things to think about, concepts to process and perspectives to consider – not only the perspectives of the other students Read more.

The Parrothead Principle: Change, Colleagues & Friendly Accountability

Truth be told, I’m a huge Parrothead! You know, the other word for “die-hard Jimmy Buffett fan”?!  Yes, Jimmy and I go way back. My kids, now 17 and 19, know all of the words to his songs.  My husband’s wardrobe is half “Margaritaville” t-shirts – gifts from me over the years. And when I need a break from reality, my go-to playlist involves some, if not all, Buffett tunes. (Hey, everyone needs a break from reality!) Ask any Parrothead and they’ll tell you: being part of this community brings its own “paradise” of connection. Over the past month, I’ve been thinking Read more.

It’s Just a Game, Right?!: Behavior, Change & Chess

Have you ever played chess? I did as a kid and it was definitely not my game of choice. There was so much to remember about each piece and the specific move it was allowed to make. So much to pay attention to around my moves and the moves of my opponent. All that strategy made my head hurt! Yet, my brother absolutely loved it. He beat me every game – yes, every game–we played.  Why was this?  Are we wired that differently?  Was I just not as smart? Did he have some secret decoder book that gave him the answers? I Read more.