Transitions Coaching Blog

Thoughts. Reflections. Intentions.

Integrating AI and Human Leadership

Integrating AI and Human Leadership

Everywhere you turn, AI dissenters seem to be arguing that artificial intelligence is a threat to humanity. They say that not only is AI poised to steal our jobs, but it’s also disrupting human connection, eroding our empathy, and challenging our ethics. At Transitions Coaching, we help people live, work, and lead more humanly. With that emphasis on our humanness, you might assume we fall in line with the AI naysayers. But we believe that to be human is to be curious, and our curiosity compels us to embrace exploration, examine alternative angles, and look at things from different perspectives. Read more.

Not for the Faint of Heart: The Realities of Accountability in Leadership

Realities of Accountability in Leadership

When it comes to creating a thriving, successful organization, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. But there is a common denominator: effective leadership. What does it take to be an effective leader? It requires knowledge, yes. But it also demands courage, compassion, and accountability. Realize it or not, when you step into a leadership role, you accept a tremendous burden. And while it might seem that some of us are built to embrace that responsibility, the reality is that leadership definitely isn’t for the faint of heart. Over the past few weeks, this article has popped up in my inbox twice. Read more.

5 Internal Roadblocks: Break Down the Barriers to Leadership Success

5 Internal Roadblocks: Break Down the Barriers to Leadership Success

As a leader, every day can feel a little like embarking on a critical mission. Never really knowing what’s going to happen or the opportunities and challenges you’ll encounter, you might feel a mix of ambition and anxiety. What you might not anticipate, however, is the actual nature of the barriers you’ll battle. Realize it or not, many of them are of your own making. Fears, insecurities, and self-doubt are just a few of these unexpected saboteurs. And they don’t just impede your progress—they can impact your entire team. Breaking down these internal roadblocks is crucial to achieving your full Read more.

What’s holding you back? 5 Tips to move from fear to fulfillment

5 Tips to move from fear to fulfillment

From a young age, we’re told we can be or do anything we want. The opportunities are endless, and a path full of possibilities stretches out ahead of us. But if that’s true, why do so many of us end up feeling stuck or unfulfilled? In most cases, the answer is fear. Something within us acts as a barrier to embracing those opportunities that await. Whether it’s the fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of the unknown, these internal barriers loom large, casting shadows over our purpose, passion, or aspirations. I recently stumbled upon this article that sheds Read more.

Development in the ‘We’ Space: 5 Benefits of Group Coaching

5 Benefits of Group Coaching

On any development journey, the starting point is within. Self-reflection and self-discovery are necessary steps toward growth—but it doesn’t have to be a lonely path to travel. As a leader and professional, you’re faced with a growing number of adaptive challenges—complex issues that demand a shift in your values, attitudes, or behaviors. Tackling these challenges requires you to evolve your mindset and capabilities. But that evolution rarely happens in isolation. The way many people approach development falls short of fueling real transformation. It’s a workshop, a book, or an article you squeeze into your busy schedule. And while those tools Read more.

The Power Within: Discover Your Inner Voice in a Noisy World

The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself.

I saw them every day. Stephanie was promoted to a senior-level role. Ann joined a new organization. Julie completed her MBA. Phil obtained another certification. Mike started a (third) business. And everyone was flitting from conference to conference, expanding their networks and accelerating their development. These updates flooded my LinkedIn feed like an unstoppable surge of reminders that my peers were doing more and better than me. Just clicking on a notification could send me into a panic. Should I be doing something else? Aiming for something bigger? I wasn’t racking up any of these accomplishments, so clearly, something had Read more.

Success Unscripted: Rethink Your Definition of a Career

Success Unscripted: Rethink Your Definition of a Career

When you talk about a “career,” you probably have a rigid definition in mind: the long-term pursuit of a certain job within a structured and hierarchical framework. A career is usually seen as a linear progression, starting from an entry-level position and gradually climbing the company ladder. It often involves specialization in a specific field or industry. It typically represents stability and security, and success is measured by external markers like job title, salary, and even the organization’s prestige. All these characterizations of career may be true in the traditional sense. But sometimes, they come together in a dangerous way, Read more.

Unwrap the Gift of Presence: Why Busy isn’t Better

The gift of presence

As the year comes to a close, it’s natural to reflect. And as a team, we started down that path a few weeks ago. We talked about what happened this year and what we should prepare for next year. We looked back on the challenges our clients have faced and what we can do to help them navigate the future. And then Laurie said something that stopped us all in our tracks: “We don’t spend enough time in the present moment.” It’s true, we realized. We spend so much time ruminating on the past and anticipating the future that we Read more.

Unleashing Your Creativity to Cope with Complexity

Unleashing Your Creativity to Find Solutions to Complex Problems

Let’s be honest for a moment: Things are hard … and constantly getting harder. In the space of just three years, we’ve experienced multiple shocks. A global pandemic. A war. An escalating climate crisis. The pervading presence of AI. Another war. Usually, these shocks come one or two at a time. We’re currently under immense pressure with multiple. Read more.

Reframing Daily Struggles for Leaders: Is it a problem or polarity?

Reframing Daily Struggles for Leaders: Is it a problem or polarity?

Last week, I talked with a client who expressed a common frustration: she’s so busy putting out daily fires that she has no time to focus on long-term goals or more strategic work. It’s an example of a paradox that occurs in every organization. Managing the day-to-day and planning for the future are both critical. Other universal paradoxes? Tending to the tried and true while pursuing creativity and innovation. Managing localized needs while creating global standardization. Upholding sustainability commitments while delivering shareholder value. Leaders struggle daily with contradictory pressures. You may view these strategic paradoxes—or polarities—as “either/or” problems. But what Read more.