Transitions Coaching Blog

Thoughts. Reflections. Intentions.

The Traits Leaders Need to Build Meaningful Connections

The Traits Leaders Need to Build Meaningful Connections

Virtual connections, in-person connections. A lot of us have the tendency to categorize our relationships, thinking of them only in a certain context. But when we strip away that context and set aside the circumstances that influence our interactions with each other, relationships really boil down to the same thing: human connection. Over the last couple of years, when many of us experienced increased isolation, the importance of human connection became extremely evident. Even self-professed introverts (me!) acknowledged the need for such connection, recognizing that the bonds we form with others help us feel seen, heard, and valued. Read more.

Personal Growth: Should we chart it out or allow it to occur organically?

Personal Growth: Should we chart it out or allow it to occur organically?

I logged in to LinkedIn recently and was met with this headline in my daily wrap-up notifications: “How do you take control of your own growth? Chart it out.” Immediately, I balked at the idea. Surely, real growth doesn’t happen by following a formula or a carefully constructed plan, I thought. Real growth occurs organically, inspired by the natural flow of things and our need to adapt. Read more.

Human, not heroic: A new view of Courageous Leadership

Human, not heroic: A new view of Courageous Leadership

I visited a website recently that blasted me with a bold message, front and center on the home page:  The world needs leaders poised to handle anything that comes their way. When you put it like that, it’s hard not to conjure up images of a “hero,” a leader who many of us might describe as “tough,” “brave,” or “courageous.” But our idea of what courageous leadership is may be outdated—and likely even ineffective—for our organizations today. Read more.

The Not-So-Surprising Link Between Purpose, Vision, and Leadership

In our work with people, we lean heavily into The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) to help our clients find their unique path to becoming the type of leader whose leadership brings out the best in them and in their teams. Our belief in the LCP stems from its human-centeredness, of course, and also its tested and true effectiveness. Years ago, The Leadership Circle undertook a study to measure how the LCP correlates to business performance and leadership effectiveness. The research revealed some strong connections between the LCP’s dimensions and business impact, suggesting that “creative” behavior dominates in organizations that perform Read more.

The Dangers of Default Mode and How Leaders Can Break Out of It

The Dangers of Default Mode and How Leaders Can Break Out of It

“The leaders who try and impose order in a complex context will fail, but those who set the stage, step back a bit and allow patterns to emerge and then determine which ones are desirable will succeed. They will discern many opportunities for innovation, creativity, and new business models.” – David Snowden We’ve said before that the capabilities leaders need today are different than the capabilities they needed in the past. And it’s true, because the world we presently live and work in looks so much different than it did ten or even two years ago. But what if we Read more.

It’s time to think differently about how we lead

The world we live and work in has become so complex. Change is bigger and happening more rapidly. Disruption—both intentional and unintentional—is everywhere. Uncertainty and ambiguity seem to be ever-present. Leaders everywhere have been tasked with navigating these complexities, and it isn’t easy. In fact, many leaders are coping with some of the biggest challenges they’ve ever encountered and discovering that the leadership “truths” they’ve relied on in the past no longer resonate in this new environment. That’s because the capabilities leaders need today are different from those they needed in the past. Now more than ever, leaders need to Read more.

Why people are really leaving the workforce (and what to do about it)

Amid the “Great Resignation,” you’ve probably heard (and maybe said) that we’re all confounded. It seems employers don’t know why employees are leaving. And if you listen to feedback from the millions of people who have exited the workforce, things become even more perplexing. As it turns out, even employees don’t know why they’re leaving. A recent article from McKinsey explored the phenomenon in a new way, not for the sake of myth-busting but rather to apply a different lens to the way we’ve been thinking about it. The authors likened employees’ feelings to the feelings of soldiers returning home Read more.

The Key to Greater Success and Satisfaction? Courageous Authenticity

The Key to Greater Success and Satisfaction? Courageous Authenticity

In November 2021, a record number of people in the U.S. made a major change: According to the Labor Department, 4.5 million (about 3% of the workforce) quit their jobs. That’s nearly 1 million more than were resigning from their roles pre-pandemic. There’s a lot of speculation about what’s at the root of the “Great Resignation.” In our view, it stems from two big things people are grappling with at work: a sense of being stuck and a lack of fulfillment. Time and again, we hear from the professionals we work with that they feel like they’re spinning their wheels. Read more.

Is Artificial Intelligence is Making Us More Human at Work?

I can’t keep up. We hear this from the leaders we work with every day. Organizations are feeling the pressure to fill open roles, to make more widgets, to increase shipments—and more and more often, they’re leaning into technology to help them handle the volume. Technology and artificial intelligence have been creeping into the workforce for years, in ways and at a pace that’s sometimes alarming. At the end of 2020, it was estimated machines performed 30% of all tasks, with humans doing the rest of the work. And that balance was expected to shift to 50/50 by 2025 [1]. Read more.

The Secret to Stemming the Talent Shortage? People.

The Secret to Stemming the Talent Shortage? People.

Across the U.S., our organizations are facing a crisis. The “sansdemic,” as some researchers have termed it, is creating a severe shortage of talent and leaving a lot of leaders in a state of panic. Over the past year and a half, millions of people have left the workforce, and millions of jobs have gone unfilled. Labor force participation is at its lowest levels in nearly 50 years[1], and there doesn’t seem to be an increase on the horizon. Sadly, under intense pressure to fill open roles to drive business results, the great resignation has left many people feeling overwhelmed Read more.